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Thursday, April 08, 2010

I laid in bed this morning listening to my 4 month old kicking in her crib (happily, if she were crying, I wouldn't be laying down on the job)....and I started to wonder if I should clarify my blog name in case someone randomly wandered on here and was waiting for me to discuss my meds. Because I'm not bipolar and I'm not on any. Anxiety disorder, sure, but I'm not on meds for that either. No, instead, the name comes from my perspective on life--I am either totally laughing and happy about the situations in my life or I am in the depths of despair and praying for a lifeboat. And through all of it, my brain is working in overdrive and I am continually in the process of trying to create or provide or cause change. So, sorry if you are looking for professional help....it's just me, here, trying to pick my way through.


Anonymous said...

At least being bi-polar means you have a passion in all your feelings....

Mrs. V said...

passion is never a problem here, it's true :) I often wonder what it's like to just be "eh" about things though

Anonymous said...

I'm never "eh" about anything.....don't want to live in a stupor. Your brain's too good for that too!