Wednesday, October 06, 2010

I Found It On The Side Of The Road....

My older sister is the queen of finding treasure stranded in oblivion. So I couldn't help but think of her today as I was walking Thing 1 to school and found this on the road.

It's a hard plastic ring. I have no idea what it belongs to, seriously. But, as there were no mangled cars or bodies lying next to it, I picked it up and put it in the stroller. Yeah, I know, there's something kind of wrong with me....

When I got home, I went out and picked up all the pine cones I could find on the ground. It hasn't rained in a while so I got lucky and managed to gather a grocery bag full of them.

...Wait, it gets worse.

Digging through the storage, I came across a piece of pipe insulation Mr. Devlin had bought while making "homemade nerf" swords.


I wrapped the insulation around the mystery ring.
Trimmed the edges. Sealed the end with some tape.

I pulled out my handy-dandy tool kit (it's blue....thanks Mom and Dad!) and some florist wire I had from doing some wedding cakes.
 I cut off a bunch of pieces of wire (about 8 inches or so) and wrapped them around the bottoms of the pine cones so two ends were sticking out.

Then I wrapped the wires around the form.
 As I layered the cones, I secured them better by wrapping the ends of the wire around each other so nobody was going nowheres, see.

Layer, layer, layer.....oh, and if you happen to be doing laundry while you're making stuff with sticky pine cones, maybe wear some gloves....stupid lint trap.



  1. That's so clever! It came out really nice

  2. are you friggin' kidding me?!! how cool is that?!

  3. Love it! I am pretty certain I've seen almost the exact thing at Target at some point in time for $25.

  4. ok that is gorgeous! I love it!
